Narratives: instructions, prompts, worksheets, and guidelines

1) After completing a worksheet (see links below #22-#30), type your narrative in GoogleDocs.  Each narrative should be AT LEAST one paragraph (6-12 sentences).

 In upper left, name document WINCH and prompt #; for example WINCH #22.  Also include the prompt # as the subtitle in the body of the document.  This prompt # (22-30) should follow writing to the blog.   

2) Change your story to 3rd person.  Use the same made-up name for all narratives.

3) SHARE with edit partners.  If you are in computer lab or classroom, edit your partners’ stories while they edit yours.  Peer editors should always make a note on document: “Proofread by _________” 

4) SHARE with Mr. Winch.

5) AFTER APPROVED by Winch, post narrative on blog.  (Subtitle it with prompt #)

Ideally, you should have the following posted on blog: two approved narratives of the past, two approved narratives of the present, and two approved narratives of the future.  In order to pass, this class, you must have at least three approved narratives published on blog.  To pass class, you also need to complete your novel, reading booklet and essay, so if it is May and you have three narratives posted on blog, focus on completing your reading assignments (booklet and essay) before working on more narratives.

#22: Home of the Past (or Present)

#22B: Setting of the Past

#23: Spring Setting of the Past (or Present)

#25: Room at home: Present (or Past)

#26: Weekend Setting: Present 

#27: Classrooms: Present (or Past)

#28: Summer setting of the Future (18 years old): graduation night or July 4th.

#29: Fall Setting of the Future: Friday evening at 5:30 in the year 2030.

#30: Winter Setting of the Future: The Year 3001.  (Imaginary memoir or obituary)

 GUIDELINES for NARRATIVES* (*a story or account of events, whether true or fictitious.)

1) Must come from journal prompts and call out journal prompt number. 

2) Orient the reader by using sensory details to establish a specific setting

3) Focus each paragraph on one setting

4) Use precise words to create vivid images.  (Specific instead of general.)

5) Show don’t tell (time of day, time of year, emotions of characters)

6) Use the active voice (omit unneeded words)

7) Spell correctly

8) Use correct punctuation (including use of apostrophes)

9) Use contrast (colors, temperatures, smells, sounds) and/or similes

10) Uses a consistent tense

11) Use a consistent point of view (third-person only)

Welcome to your success!

Mr. Winch

New Urban High School

Room 116

March 9, 2015

English Students

New Urban High School

Dear 5th and 6th period students,

Welcome to class!  This will be a good one.   

This trimester, you will create a third-person (or second-person) story based on your life, read a novel of choice set in another time or place, and write a compare-and-contrast paper comparing your life today with life in another decade or place.  You will improve your writing skills, have fun, and pass this class.

For today, share a letter with Mr. Winch through GoogleDocs.  This is an assignment and will count as such.  Try to pick an editorial partner (or a group of three) today, and SHARE with your partner(s) so they can edit and repair typos.  If you aren’t comfortable picking a partner, just show me what you can do on your own.  It’s important that this letter show your best writing skills so I will know how to help you improve.

In your letter, tell me about yourself. Before you write your letter, answer the follow questions and include your answers in your letter.

1) Do you like writing?

2) Do you like reading?  (What are your favorite books?)

3) What are your favorite things (hobbies, etc.)

4) Is there an era or decade from the past that interests you?

5) Did you pick a partner (or group of 3) you want to work with this trimester?  If so, what are their names? If you didn’t pick a partner, would you rather work alone or have Mr. Winch pick a partner?

6) Do you have personal issues with someone in class that Mr. Winch needs to know about?

7) Do you have pet peeves (things that bother you, especially ones that may come up in this classroom)

8) After looking at attached syllabus, do you have questions about this class, or other things that Mr. Winch should know?

After you type letter, SHARE with partner through GoogleDocs for a peer edit.  After you edit letters, SHARE your letter with Mr. Winch through GoogleDocs.  

Thank you,

Mr. Winch

English Level One (9/10B: Trimester three)

Coach Winch.   New Urban High School.

Mondays: Writing (Polished handwritten paragraph)

Tuesdays: Silent Reading / Reading Booklet (compare and contrast)

Wednesdays: Writing Test (paragraph)

Thursdays: Silent Reading / Reading Booklet (compare and contrast)

Fridays: Final Drafts and worksheets.

Daily Schedule:

1) Icebreaker  2) Learning Target 3) Activities 4) Clean up 5) Review Game


DUE DATES (For first half of trimester)

March 20: (first progress report–letter home)

1) Blog built; link shared with Mr. Winch.

2) At least one approved narrative posted on blog.

3) Book selected, and at least one page filled out in reading booklet.

April 10 (official progress report)

1) At least two approved narratives posted on blog

2) Wednesday test passed at least two times.

3) At least one approved paragraph posted on blog.

4) Reading booklet completed.


1) All writing must come from journal writes or reading, and either call out journal write number or source.

2) Initial drafts must be composed on GoogleDocs.

3) Drafts must be first SHARED with peer partner(s).

4) Drafts must be SHARED with Mr. Winch and approved BEFORE posting on blog.

5) Only approved drafts posted on blog are graded.

To pass this class, you must complete ALL of the proficiencies. To receive MASTERY (4.0: A), the majority of the proficiencies must be at the 4.0 level.  PROFICIENCIES GRADED WHEN WRITING IS PUBLISHED ON BLOG.


1. Publish PARAGRAPHS that demonstrate command of conventions.  Produce and publish clear and coherent writing in which organization and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (This must come from journal prompts.)   (9-10.W.3; 9-10.L.1; 9-10.L.2) • Avoid use of sentence fragments or run-ons unless used intentionally and effectively • Use parallel structure • Use the active voice • Spell correctly • Use correct punctuation • Establish focus of paragraph with a topic sentence • Include significant, specific, and relevant details • Include appropriate concluding or transitional statement.   

3.0: Proficient. Student publishes at least three examples of paragraphs that demonstrate understanding of concepts. 


1B.  WEDNESDAY TEST.  Student shares with Mr. Winch at least three paragraphs that demonstrate understanding of concepts.  (These must be completed without editing instruction from the teacher.) 

3.0: Student passes this assessment at least three times.

4.0: Student passes this test two more times on his or her own.


2) Publish ESSAYS and/or multi-paragraph LETTERS that demonstrate command of conventions.  Essay must compare and contrast a specific decade (or foreign place) to the student’s world today; or essay must be based on one or more of the journal prompts; or letter must be approved beforehand)

3.0: Proficient.  Student publishes at least one compare and contrast essay that demonstrates command of conventions and include sources cited.    

3) Publish NARRATIVES* (poems or paragraphs).  (*a story or account of events, whether true or fictitious.)

• Orient the reader by using sensory details to establish a specific setting • Focus each story (or paragraph) on one setting • Use precise words to create vivid images.  (Specific instead of general.) • Show don’t tell • Use the active voice (omit unneeded words) • Spell correctly • Use correct punctuation (including use of apostrophes) • Use contrast (colors, temperatures, smells, sounds) to help establish the conflict.

3.0: Student creates and publishes at least three examples of narratives with consistent tense and point of view.  These must come from journal prompts and call out journal prompt number. 


4. Avoid plagiarism; follow a standard format for citation. 3.0: Student avoids plagiarism on all blog postings, using citations when needed.  If plagiarism is found on blog, student will face serious consequences.


3.0: Student reads novel set in another decade or country and records at least ten things in story that differs from our world today.  Student incorporates this information (with pages numbers) into his or her compare-and-contrast essay.

4.0 Student also effectively publishes an objective and concise plot summary of a novel, identifying title, author, genre, protagonist, setting, narrative point of view, conflict/resolution, and theme(s).  Student effectively integrates the information from summary into his or her own journalistic review of the story. 

5) Publishing. 

2.0: Student publishes his or her writing on a blog.  Student sends email to Mr. Winch with a link to his or her blog.

3.0: Student also publishes zine that demonstrates understanding of proficiencies from this trimester.

4.0: Student publishes both a blog and a zine that demonstrates understanding of all proficiencies from this trimester.